Friday, 15 May 2015

Victorian Domestic Abuse - paperback available now

This is a great little book if you're interested in women's history.  Yes some of the stories are harrowing but that's how it was for some women and for women across all classes.  It didn't matter whether they were rich or poor, young or old.  They were property, and that was that.  Everything they had belonged to their husbands. They couldn't even sell their own jewellery because that belonged to him too. Until the laws began to change of course.

Grab a copy now from -

Out Today on Kindle - Victorian Domestic Abuse

Victorian Domestic Abuse is now out on Kindle, its got some unbelievable stories of cruelty to wives included but perhaps what is equally unbelievable is the sentences that were passed on their attackers.  One husband got just four days in prison for killing his wife.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

New Book Coming Soon: Victorian Domestic Abuse

Continuing with my series of Victorian books, my next subject is that of Victorian domestic abuse.  It takes a look at just some of the terrible and inhumane conditions and treatments women were suffering.  A woman in Victorian Britain had no rights whatsoever, to her money, to property, to her children or her own body. Women were the property of their husbands. Wife beating was widespread and wifely chastisement acceptable in law.

Here's  just one example.  In 1848 an Inspector of the Poor entered a house.  He found a woman imprisoned in a tiny water closet.  She had been there for four months, she was covered in dirt, her hair matted, vermin all around and she had been in a crouching position for so long she couldn't straighten up.  Her husband said she was in there for being disorderly.  She later died.
This story is just the tip of the iceberg.  For every one included in the book there were many more.

Victorian Domestic Abuse will be available very soon.
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Saturday, 2 May 2015

New Review for Victorian Pontypool

Its always nice when someone takes the time to write a review about one of my books.  This one is great and gave me a smile

"Got for boyfriend for xmas.  He has not read any of the rugby books I have brought him but he sat over xmas and read this book from front to back"